Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Time to Reflect; and Plant!

Well, its Christmas Eve 2014. The 2015 Johnny's Seeds catalog showed up in the mail today; the Christmas tunes are on the radio; some bourbon and that last bottle of home-made ginger ale are about to find each other; time to start thinking about food-patching. This is the earliest THE CATALOG has ever shown up so I'm taking that as a good omen and a reason to get moving.

I'm not all that into New Year resolutions but I do hope to get a little more regular with the posts around here. We all have the best laid plans while we sit at the keyboard in the depths of winter. But once the season gets underway and things get busy with the garden and other outdoor activities on peak weekends, I often don't have time to even fire-up the CPU. Hopefully that will change with some kind of mid-week post scheduling.

And now that we've gone full "nano-farming" by incorporating backyard chickens into the mix, I also intend to bring the discussion more in line with the principles of the Paleo lifestyle. 

Now let's get some seeds going. I always seem to be behind the curve when it comes to spring onion sets. I usually get some started in January and then find out they are just too small when that perfect spring planting day arrives. Or worse, like last year, a major damping-off incident occurs with some kind of Andromeda strain fungus from hell. I mostly plant red onion sets as they are the best fresh from the garden and generally don't store well (due to high sugar content). So if you are going to the bother with planing onions why not go for something good?

Here's the tab for today; three tubs of Cebolla Red Burgundy (cheap Ferry-Morse packs that were on clearance at WalMart last fall); one tub of sweet Spanish White (Burpee), and two tubs of Deep Purple Bunching (Johnny's).

1 comment:

  1. I've been doing the same thing. I will be starting onions and leeks this weekend. I've also been going over the garden layout, trying to get everything planned out before the spring blitz begins. We got our Seed Savers catalog last week. So much fun.
