Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And So It Begins

We are hunkered down here today under a winter storm watch with a clipper forecasted to dump up to ten inches of dry powder by evening. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear but in single digits with wind chills below zero. What better time to dream of spring and the vegetable garden. Unlike last year where I waited too long to start the onion seeds and then had to go with sets from the local feed store (useful but in no way optimal), I started red and white onion seeds last weekend making sure not to crowd them. This way I hope to have some well formed seedlings that I can set out in March. However, I still cannot bring myself to pull up the plant light just yet from the basement. It seems like we just packed it up a few short weeks ago. Onions are a little more forgiving so I think we will go with natural windowsill light until its time to start the others.

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