Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Lazy Saturday Around The Patch

It was one of those Saturdays where the only chores were in the yard or garden for a change so things were a bit more relaxed.
The girls enjoy the weekends because I can add on the 50-ft poly fence and open the end hatch so they can get a little more room to move around. Although we need to be out there with them because if they really wanted to they could easily fly over this. Or a hawk could make an easy grab. Actually one of them did get out this afternoon. She was so excited to see me picking chard in the garden that she decided to come over and have a look. Luckily I was able to get her back in. I would prefer not to have to clip their flight feathers so lets just hope this was an odd occurrence.
All of the tomatoes have well formed green fruit so its just a matter of time. One of the grape varieties has some just beginning to turn red so I'm hoping to make my grandfather's July 4th deadline with at least one ripe tomato.
The second planting of chard gained eating size this week so that should keep us and the chickens well supplied for the next few weeks.

Other chores today included strawing in the cucumbers and squash, planting a few more herbs, and mulching the herb bed. The forecast is for high 90s and little to no rain through the July 4th holiday.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Week In Pictures (June 1)

 African daiseys added to the tomato and pepper bed for a little color.

 Yarrow opening up in the herb bed.

 Although a non-native invasive, what is summer without the narcotic aroma of honeysuckle; pure heroin! I make no attempt to limit this in our wild perimeter areas. Unfortunately, like strawberries, they just don't last long enough.

 Not sure how much longer the girls can be considered pullets or when we need to start calling them "hens". Either way, their combs and plumage are nearing full color, their feet are bleaching out nicely and most days are "four-egg-days" so all of the ladies are finally putting out.

 More perennials in the tomato patch.

 Romas in full bloom.
The early section of the Food Patch; two caged grape tomatoes with small fruits forming, chard, kale, bok choi and mixed salad greens. Damn life is good.