It's been an incredibly busy spring and summer so far and the garden postings have suffered because of it. But overall, its been a productive season with minimal deviations. We've had some pretty hot periods, especially around July 4th week. Luckily the evening thunder storms have been numerous enough that I've only had to water the entire garden two or three times so far and the lawn still has not gone completely dormant. Nice on the eye but no break on the mowing and trimming chores.
I had one ripe tomato by my grandfather's obligatory deadline of July 4th even though it was a single grape variety. The heirlooms are really starting to roll in now and we will be entering give-away mode tomorrow in order to limit waste.
The big news this spring was my adoption of the Primal Blueprint lifestyle not so much for any particular weight issues but for the overall health benefits. It has been an extraordinary transformation going to a ketogenic metabolism and having a kitchen garden really helps out with the dietary parts of this plan. I am now plotting strategies to extend the harvests much further into the fall than we normally do in order to take advantage of the fresh produce especially since most fall crops qualify as primal.