Things are a bit behind with the garden plot this spring. The trail has been calling and the grass suddenly needs mowing. The spring monsoons have made it nearly impossible to get in and do the final work-up with the tiller in order to begin planting. I did manage to do an additional shallow work-up to try and help all of those oak leaves rot in. The leaves are really helping to hold in the moisture. Of all years, this was probably the worst to have added in oak leaves but I just couldn't pass them up. It will probably be another week or so before the final deep till.
The tomato seedlings are also about two weeks behind schedule but this is not a bad thing. They got a little frost nipped last year and I actually lost a few so I don't mind not being the first kid on the block with a ripe tomato by the Forth of July this year. I'll still have plenty of time to transplant them to larger pots before moving into the garden.
I am sure glad I was able to get the strawberry bed taken care of early on. They are doing well and beginning to bloom. We'll keep our fingers crossed but even more rain is predicted for tonight and tomorrow.